Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seeing Through the Geis

My fellow anime lovers might be acquaintance with the ‘geis’ or rather recognized as geas from the series ‘Code Geas’. In Irish mythology, a geis is an idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or spell. A geis can be compared with a curse or, paradoxically, a gift. There are other terms for this phenomenon, changing slightly from culture but the essence remains the same. A burden… A gift… A duty… A geis is all this, a chain that leads from one thing to another, without escape or exceptions.

We’ve all felt this heavy magic on us at least once in our life, to some stronger than others; I believe it varies with the potential of each. When this geis presents itself before us we have two options: make the contract with it or let it pass by. Both options are good, but one tends to be selfish, the other frightening.

The strongest comes in the form of a promise, a promise to yourself or someone else. The path is not easy nor with a promise of a happy voyage, but it is the mean to fulfill it. It is the way to make a difference, to make a change. It doesn’t always come because we want it, but because it has been imposed unto us. There is always a higher power, a greater authority.

That we will all have to face one sooner or later, of that I am sure. The question is: will we have the guts to take it on? It isn’t to be taken lightly. Consequences don’t affect only us.

To be continued…

Monday, April 5, 2010


A Blog, Facebook, even an agenda, they didn't seem very attractive, but more of a confusing mess of trying to keep track of everything. More like trying to know and let know everything. Time did not (as stil does not) spare a second, and that was the main reason why having any of these internet attractions was not possible, but then the idea came. When I finnally saw a true purpose to these distractions was, well, a few hours ago. I pumbed into a dojinshi, and tracked its work until arriving to it's author's Blog. I don't really know what started the impulse but at seeing how this artist kept such good work in order, having success in not giving up and trying her best to keep her work going and publishing, I realized I need a bit of order for myself. Time still ticks, fast and nonstopping, but this will help train a bit of responsibility in me and to never forget the work that has to be done.


Un Blog, Facebook, incluso una agenda, no parecían muy atractivos mas bien un desorden confuso de intentar estar al corriente de todo. Mas bien un intento de saber y dejar saber todo. El tiempo no paraba (y aun no lo hace) y esa era la razón primordial de por que no era posible tener una de estas atracciones, pero una idea llegó. Cuando por fin vi un propósito para estas distracciones fue, bueno, hace unas horas. Me topé con un dojinshi y rastree la obra hasta llegar al Blog de este artista. En realidad no se que empezó el impulso pero al ver como esta artista mantenía esta obra en orden, teniendo éxito en no darse por vencida y esforzándose para seguir publicando su trabajo, me di cuenta que necesitó un poco de orden para mi misma. El tiempo aun corre, rápido y sin descanso, pero esto ayudara a entrenar un poco de responsabilidad en mí y a nunca olvidar el trabajo que debe ser realizado.